The Owl Panel
The Owl Panel is spectacular and located between Harmon and Currant Canyons. It contains glyphs of (obviously) owls, animal tracks, figures, and other animals, including a particularly interesting figure that resembles the Intestine Man found in the Moab area. The hike from the parking area is flat, less than 100 yards each way, and easy.
Coordinates for the Owl Panel parking area:
UTM: 558841, 4407711
Decimal Degrees: 39.81735, -110.31250
Lat/Long: 39º 49' 2.46", -110º 18' 45.00"
Coordinates for the Owl Panel parking area:
UTM: 558847, 4407882
Decimal Degrees: 39.81889, -110.31241
Lat/Long: 39º 49' 8.01", -110º 18' 44.71"
1:100,000 Price
1:24:000 Current Canyon & Cowboy Bench
These are two halves of the same panel. Some of the glyphs are quite faint.
Helmick p. 121; Spangler p. 73.
These are on a rock just below the owls.
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The figure on the right resembles a pictograph near Moab called Intestine Man.
This one is on a boulder about a dozen yards NNW of the main panel.