Intestine Man.
Intestine Man is a site with two smaller panels along UT-313 about 2.7 miles from US-191. Castleton calls this area Seven Mile Canyon. Castleton v.1, p.186.
Photos of Intestine Man coming in March 2025.
Coordinates for the parking turnout:
UTM: 611033, 4278527
Decimal degrees: 38.64834, -109.72405
Lat/Long: 38° 38' 54.04", 109° 43' 26.59"
Coordinates for Intestine Man:
UTM: 610971, 4278556
Decimal degrees: 38.64861, -109.72476
Lat/Long: 38° 38' 55.03", 109° 43' 29.15"
1:100,000 Moab
1:24:000 Gold Bar Canyon