Freemont State Park

Freemont State Park is on I-70, about 20 minutes east of the I-15 and I-70 junction. We've been there a few times, and I'm convinced we've seen less than a quarter of the rock art that is in and adjacent to the park. Castleton has photos and illustrations of a half dozen or so that we haven't found. Many of the panels are high on the cliffside, and one can't see all of the glyphs the panel contains.

These first two panels are side by side.

The same panel from different angles. There is another glyph behind the boulder in the bottom right of the above photo. Castleton v2, p77.

The two photos above were taken in the parking lot at the visitor's center.

These two are side by side. Slifer p. 137.

This is a close-up of the previous photo. The lines are very deeply carved, not pecked. There are many glyphs here that appear carved rather than pecked. Castleton v2, p79.

Castleton v2, p84.

Castleton v2, p81. Slifer p. 136.

Above and to the right of the figure with horns or a headdress are some animals and concentric circles. One of the animals looks like the three-horned sheep found in Argyle Canyon. There are some more glyphs in the lower right corner of the photo. Castleton v2, p78.

Some red and white pictographs are on the far left and near the top. To the right of those are newer glyphs. In the center are more pictographs with some petroglyphs pecked in over them and some older glyphs on the right.

There is a single arc in the middle of the photo.

Castleton v2, p 79.

This glyph struck me as very different than anything else in the area.

At the center of the photo on the darkest part of the rock face there are some glyphs.

There is a grid pattern in the middle of the photo and some dots above it. To the right, just before the shadow, there are some more hard to see glyphs.

The footprints or animal tracks are interesting, but I really like the shield or circled starburst(?).

A close up of the figure in the previous photo.

In the center of the photo is what Castleton refers to as a single pole ladder that's on its side. Just to the right of that is a figure

I still can't tell if the verticle lines are natural or not.

A close up of the glyphs above the figure in the previous two photos.

There are glyphs on nearly every rock face in this photo.